I'm wrestling with it all as I watch evidence of our dominant cultural values walk by...affluence, power, beauty, leisure. Today I find it easy to believe Jesus when he says that following him will mean that we will be misunderstood, maligned and rejected.
How can the gospel of the Kingdom of God break into this well oiled machine of a culture?
Believing that it has, I come back to the question, how do I/We embody this Kingdom way?
The cost of following Jesus will inevitably involve his Spirit redefining and reshaping some of our strongest held desires...belonging and acceptance, recognition and notoriety, security and happiness. The very desires on display here in the park. There are more. I'm reminded today that the Kingdom life is about putting myself to death and walking in a new kind of life with Jesus.
I'm not content with knowing (as we narrowly define knowing) about the Kingdom. I want to live it. And now the questions start again...
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